Friday, November 20, 2009

How Land Trusts Work Freedom News

"In an age of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." -George Orwell

Taking American Land and Rights – How It Works

By Nancy Levant

Why the “New World” is so difficult to understand is not as complex as one might guess. While we naturally focus upon local issues and concerns such as community development, forest access, sportsmen’s rights, etc., one does need to understand the “whys” of local political decisions, and the decisions of local commissions and councils. There is rhyme and reason to our loss of rights, land, privacy, and public opinion.

Consider the following:

Every American citizen, no matter where you live, MUST buy your county’s Plat Book. Plat Books are maps that identify the owners of each and every parcel of land in your counties. You cannot know what is going on behind the scenes unless you buy your county Plat Book. Begin there.

You will then discover that most of the land in your counties is now owned by 1) state or federal government, 2) land development companies, 3) land “trusts” or “land funds,” 4) environmental organizations, and 5) large corporations.

If you are lucky enough to have several Plat Books covering a 2, 3, 5, or 10-year period (Plat Books are published annually), you will see a connection between land trusts, land development companies, land funds, and corporations. You will discover that they buy and sell to each other, and that they change the names of their organizations, and also create spin-off organizations, on a very regular basis.

Then, if you go to the websites of these land organizations, you will discover that they are “partnered” with 1) each other, and 2) with larger global corporations, and 3) with local universities and technical colleges, and 3) with “environmental” organizations.

In other words, you will find that the buying and selling of land in your counties is a highly organized business bureaucracy that circulates and perpetuates “profit and control” between revolving door “partnerships.”

But what are “partnerships?” In a word, “business” has changed in the United States. On television commercials, I’m sure you’ve heard the term “partners.” It sounds nice – like cooperative business ventures for the good of the public. However, nothing can be farther from the truth.

Partnerships, stakeholding, and NGOs (non-governmental organizations) are America’s (and the world’s) new governmental bureaucracy system. This system is the brainstorm of the United Nations and was defined in a document called Agenda 21, which means Agenda for the 21st Century.

Agenda 21, in a nutshell, mandated that all countries that were U.N. members implement all Agenda 21 requirements into their nations and governmental structures. The U.S. is a member of the United Nations, and therefore we were required to implement Agenda 21.

In the U.S., Agenda 21 is called by different names. We call it “sustainable development,” “sustainable communities,” “Local 21,” “Smart Growth,” and a whole bevy of other names. However, all these governmentally imposed programs and changes that we now see in our communities (and worldwide) are upon the insistence of the U.N. as outlined in the Agenda 21 document.

First and foremost, Agenda 21 mandated that there is to be NO ownership of private property – worldwide. The U.N. believes that all land, watershed systems, and natural resources must be owned and administered by “government.” To American people, this is what we consider to be Communism. We believe that ownership of property is directly tied to freedom.

As the United States set up and is the primary financial supporter of the United Nations, the U.N. had to come up with a plan to make palatable their right to confiscate our privately owned land. But how did they accomplish that plan?

Masterfully, the United Nations, with their partners (the World Bank, the World Trade Organizations, and the International Monetary Fund, and global corporations and groups), began funding “environmental” science organizations and universities with grant dollars. By doing so, they also formed “partnerships” with eco-organizations and scientists, and a master plan evolved.

Under the direction of Agenda 21, a massive funding web of partnerships, stakeholders, and NGOs, a “grant-hired” eco-doomsday scenario was created and served to manipulate American people into 1) giving up their privately owned properties for the good of “sustainable” nature, and 2) to lay the groundwork for the “partnership-stakeholding-NGO bureaucracy. It worked like a charm.

Once you buy your county Plat Books, you will clearly see that there is next to no property left to buy in the United States. It has already been purchased by state and federal government, land development companies, large corporations, land trusts like The Nature Conservancy, and land fund organizations – all of which are “partnered” together in the greatest land and natural resource confiscation scheme in the history of the world.

In a nutshell, we are witnessing bureaucratic nation conquering. Rather than using warfare to collect new countries and landmasses, the partnership bureaucracy is collecting world territory via land grabbing initiatives under the direction of the United Nations and its global partners.

These initiatives are operating in every town, burg, rural, and wilderness area in the United States. Therefore, all state and local politicians, beholding to federal laws and money, were forced to become a part of the Agenda 21 mandate for ending all ownership of private property. These initiatives are operating in all U.N.-member nations.

Equally, the professional sciences of “ecology” and “conservation” were bought by the Agenda 21 system, and are now solely funded by Agenda 21 “partners” in land confiscation.

On the federal level, you will find the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Interior, the Department of Natural Resources, all three Executive levels, and other governmental departments under the control of the United Nations. All treaties, Memorandums of Understanding, and alliances with the U.N. trump the Constitutional Laws of the United States. This is important, folks – international law “trumps” national law. “Treaties” trump national law. In other words, our politicians, agreeing to be members of the United Nations, and agreeing to implement Agenda 21, suspended our Constitutional rights AND our rights to own private property. This, my friends, is fact of law, and this law, by definition, is called Communitarian Law.

At the state level of government, our state governors, who hope to retain the financial support of the federal government, have also agreed to implement Agenda 21 into each and every one of our 50 states. This includes our state universities.

And now we come to our local levels of government, our local colleges and universities, and our local movers and shakers, which we well know are the affluent people who are our county commissioners, councilmen, and businessmen. All the affluent locals, in efforts to gain dollars from their state governments, and to be privy to the endless money via international, federal, and state grants for “land” ventures, have signed onto the new “partnership-stakeholding-NGO” system of business, because that new bureaucracy is how wealth, power, and money works in the New World. In truth and fact, if you aren’t a part of this new governmental bureaucracy, which includes grant money and non-profit status, you are 1) not going to succeed financially, and 2) you are not going to gain any political or local power.

We are operating under a new form of government. It is the United Nations-defined form of government. Our Constitutional government has been overtaken by international law, and we, the people, are systematically losing not only our private property, but our access rights to our wilderness areas, as well. We are also losing all other freedoms guaranteed by our Constitution.

It’s all dressed up in “love of nature and/or sustainability” language, but the facts remain the same. Private property is to end, and this is why, via your county Plat Books, you will see that there is literally next to no land left for us to buy in our country. This is why you are seeing “access restrictions” being imposed daily and all across our nation. This is why we are being herded into “planned communities” where we do not own the land. Agenda 21 originally defined these planned communities as “human settlements.” How many land development companies are now in your areas? How many deed-restricted communities have been erected?

This is why deer and cattle populations are being purposefully killed off by “reintroduced” wolf and cougar populations, but to name a few of the land confiscation “partnering” webs of deceit. The intent is to get us off our private and public lands.

Our “New World” is a new one-world government. It is composed of European central banks, the Bilderberg Group, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the World Bank, the World Trade Organization, the International Monetary Fund, the World Court, the United Nations, and many other global organizations, groups, people, and corporations. This system was incrementally set into play over the last century, and has now overtaken the United States – thanks to our elected – who agreed to exchange our sovereignty, our way of life, our religion and beliefs, and our Constitutional government and rights for a global hybrid-corporate/Socialism/Communism. We now live under new rules, which have changed everything from our children’s educations to our rights to honest science, our health and privacy, our living and home options, and even our personal and public rights and opinions.

Our New Government is a combination corporate-financial system, with human beings as highly controlled servants to profit. Our New Government has created a techno-society, where we are highly “managed” creatures – much like chipped and reintroduced wolves and “invasive” species. We are also being chipped on a daily basis, and are governmentally and corporately encouraged to do so. We are in tremendous trouble and we are vulnerable to this new techno-society with its non-stop chemtrail spraying, manufactured super-viruses, weather control, spying technologies, and to our elected who are also loyal to the mass human de-population plans and mandates of Agenda 21. Watch and listen for state-mandated initiatives to curb reproduction and birthrights – particularly for poor women.

On a final note, and for all who live in the forested lands of the United States, and particularly the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, keep two concepts in mind – forest fires and global mining interests. I suggest they are systematically linked. Watch for “forest fire research” in your colleges and universities.

Thoughtfully consider why anyone in their right mind, much less entire governmental departments, would agree to implement programs like large carnivore reintroduction – thereby decimating deer and other ungulates, and cattle populations, nationwide. Why? To force farmers and ranchers out of business and to sell their land, and to effectively end hunting and other outdoor wilderness sports. It’s called getting the people off the land, folks – plain and simple. If you buy the eco-sustainability explanations, you still haven’t read Agenda 21.

In bitter truth, our Constitutional governance has ended. The only question remaining is what you intend to do about it. If you are so inclined to do nothing, then welcome to your New World. And while you’re watching global TV, you might make note of the fact that global pharmaceutical corporations are marketing new substances to you 24/7. Keep telling yourselves – global de-population requirements as per Agenda 21.

Rally To Enforce the Laws and Legal Operation of this Nation!
On April 17, 2006 at 1:00 pm EST, victims of legal abuse, legal reformers, Constitutionalists, and freedom-minded people and organizations, who demand legal Constitutional governance, will:
· Join together at the Rayburn Congressional Office Building, the location of the House Judiciary Committee in Washington, DC, to demand that the Committee hold hearings on legal abuse in America.
· Lawyers and activist organizations are needed to attend and take action/organization plans home to their individual states.
· For information on how to get involved NOW, and to advertise this rally in all 50 states, please contact The Patriot Caucus at and the Citizens Justice Institute at

It’s time to enforce the laws and legal operation of this, OUR nation! Pass this information onto at least 5 people and/or organizations, and ask them to do the same.

Promoted by The Patriot Caucus and the Citizens Justice Institute

Thursday, November 19, 2009

What is a Land Trust?

Anatomy of a Land Trust The idea of a private land trust owning specific scenic or wildlife areas sounds appealing on the surface, but almost all land trusts today are highly political organizations run by ideological, anti-development, anti-farming, anti-living in rural America environmentalist they are activists seeking to impose social controls in order to undermine the private economy and the civil rights of property owners. The land trusts are financially backed by a subclass of wealthy owners pursuing preservation in order to gain financial wealth. The trusts use their politically privileged tax–exempt status and government subsidies your tax dollars to promote and lobby for government ownership or control of vast areas of land, and collaborate with government agencies behind the backs of property owners these property owners are not willing sellers they are targeted for acquisition and land use prohibitions. The trusts act as real estate purchasing agents for government agencies, exploiting the mechanisms of the private free–market by buying up land and flipping it into government ownership and removing it from tax role and any access.

When direct political and government action become too controversial the trusts use their vast wealth to gradually eliminate private property owners from a targeted area over time in a strategy of harassment, flooding, and destruction of neighboring properties. While the local sheriff and Prosecuting Attorney sit idle refusing to enforce laws or ordinances.

Land use controls over private property are relentlessly increased to drive out the remaining owners. Exempt from property taxes themselves, the trusts manipulate the tax code for their own political ends by inducing tax-strapped property owners to sell or donate land in exchange for discriminatory tax breaks available only to those giving up land rights to the ‘non–profit’ trusts. ‘Conservation easements’ ostensive intended to hold development rights typically also grants the trusts enormous privileges to interfere in the private management of the land. Land Trusts buy up huge quantities of land in already strapped small counties thereby sending counties into bankruptcy.

Columbia Land Trust and Ducks Unlimited are some of the wealthiest and most politically powerful land trusts in Washington State and Oregon they have ruined the eco-system, homes, private property, stranded salmon, admitted it and refuse to be accountable. Lower Columbia Fish Recovery Board funds and directs several satellite trusts claiming to represent local people. CLT and DU boast they have a war chest of funds with more money then GOD, to keep law suits in court for years, to buy up land its backers do not want other people to use, and maintain close connections with government agencies where it influences government land acquisition priorities and regulatory controls. CLT, in collaboration with DU, Fish and Wildlife, and Dean Takko Washington Representative have collaborated and set a precedent at the Julia Butler Game Reserve by sheer wearing down of the diking/flood districts the Cathlament area. The County Planning Office and Wahkiakum County Officials have taken the hands off approach.

The destructive acts these NGOs are commencing upon our county and our nation is abominable. We have the opportunity to affect change will you help save private property or will you sit by and say what a terrible thing this is and do nothing. I hope you will try.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Farmers under seige

We have been getting some truth in the media as of late. Copied from Wahkiakum Eagle

Although some of the dates are wrong the article covers the situation truthfully.

October 29, 2008

Restoration work puts land owners under siege
by Stevan Morgain

War comes in different forms, some violent, some psychological and quiet. The effect along the Grays River? Property owners are feeling under siege.

“We are trying to save our properties,” said Delvin Fredrickson, chairman of the Grays River Habitat Enhancement District (a diking district) “from non governmental organizations (NGOs) like The Columbia Land Trust, Ducks Unlimited, the Lower Columbia Fish Recovery Board, and the Columbia River Estuary River Study Taskforce.” Fredrickson points out that the conservation groups invading the Grays River are using fish mitigation dollars from the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) to change the flow patterns of Grays River and, in the process, destroying property values and the tax base. Fredrickson said his community is fighting for their property rights. He is also frustrated with his US Representative Brian Baird and county Commissioner Dan Cothren for not standing up to the NGO groups.

The problems began in 2006 (should be 2004) when the environmental groups Columbia Land Trust and Ducks Unlimited built their first project on Kandoll Road in Western Wahkiakum.

The Kandoll Road story isn’t new. The project is a quarter of a mile long dike and two 13-foot culverts installed by The Columbia Land Trust and Ducks Unlimited across a county easement in a cow pasture on the old Kandoll Dairy Farm. In the winter floods of 2006, water was trapped behind the dike and 18 properties up and down that section of the Grays suffered significant damage to homes, property and livestock.
“First we want the Kandoll Road dike and culverts removed so the water can flow the way it has for a hundred years,” said Fredrickson.

The Columbia Land Trust has a different take on the work they do. In an interview earlier this year, Columbia Land Trust Stewardship Manager Ian Sinks said, “We do the work of a land trust. We work with landowners according to the goals of the landowner and Columbia Land Trust. ”Sinks said several owners in Grays River offered their land for sale. The land trust also controls about 20,000 acres of land in Wahkiakum County.
“Our goal is not to take land out of production but look at the land and where the land wants to be something else, and allow that to happen,” said Sinks. “This argument has gone nowhere for five years and created a lot of distrust and controversy over groups like The Columbia Land Trust and Ducks Unlimited,” said Wahkiakum County Commissioner Blair Brady, “but in fact the Bechtel engineering map produced for the Kandoll project does show a 'bathtub' effect where water backs up behind the dike.”

The Kandoll Road fiasco was the first shot across the bow of a citizen’s rights battle that continues inflame Grays River residents. In May of this year, the Lower Columbia Fish Recovery Board (LCFRB) asked the Grays River community for a town meeting to discuss their proposed plan for the Grays River Valley. Presented to the Grays River community as The Habitat Restoration and Project Design Study, the plan looks at 62 sections of the Grays, about 18 miles long, and suggests tidal slough restoration, riparian restoration, dike breaching, channel enhancement, tributary enhancement, side-channel and floodplain restoration, bank sloping and adding log jams and woody plant debris to selected areas of the river. “I was there, and their plan isn’t a commitment for these jobs to be done,” said Brady. “It is basically a guide for anyone who wants to use private funds or public grants to do work in the river.” Under the plan’s Design Needs section, it notes landowner outreach. The question asks potential grant applicants to determine if landowners will let them onto their land to do topographic surveys, hydrologic/hydraulic analysis, sediment evaluation and conduct detailed engineering designs of their land.

With the property damage from the Kandoll Road project still on their minds, Grays River residents attended the meeting organized by the LCFRB. “There were about 50 or 60 people at the meeting in Grays River and they were all very upset because the LCFRB plan involved breaching dikes and flooding private properties of people who hadn’t even been consulted,” said Brady. Fredrickson said the plan presented at the meeting would effectively drive most of the Grays River’s lowlanders from their homes along the river. “Don’t get me wrong,” he said, “we want to stop the flooding here but their proposal will only make things worse."The Grays River Habitat Enhancement District’s research paints a clear picture of why the Grays River floods. It starts with the US Army Corps of Engineers dredging of the ship channel at the mouth of the Grays River. “Their dredging has shifted the strong currents that once flushed the mouth of the Grays, out to the center of the Columbia and into the shipping channel,” said Fredrickson. That one problem causes the mouth of the Grays to clog up and become shallow which then ripples back upriver for about 18 miles. Commissioner Brady agrees with Fredrickson’s assessment that the Grays’ riverbed has raised about 12 feet in the last 90 years. “I have to agree,” said Brady. “If you want to stop the flooding you have to stop the silt and debris from staying in the river and you can’t do that by installing more barriers that will trap even more debris.” Then there is logging. Logging dumps soil and woody debris into an already slower running Grays River. “The logging companies don’t replant, the soil gets loosened and washed into the Grays which adds to the build up,” said Fredrickson.

The situation gets magnified when the conservationists come along. “They want to tear down 100-year old dikes and add gravel, log jams and add new channels to an already overburdened river which will then cause even more water to backup into the Gray's feeder streams and cause yet more flooding,” said Fredrickson.
The LCFRB said the grants it offers are to groups who want to restore the river to its natural flow. Their plan for the Grays River designates the construction of side-channels, ponds and sloping banks. “Our group has surveys,” said Fredrickson, “and legal descriptions and testimonials going back to the 1850’s that show this river was a dynamic flow river, meaning it didn’t have the tributaries talked about in the LCFRB plan.” Fredrickson said that the mouth of Grays River wasn’t silted shut previously and during the freshet season ,the river often raged down through the valley.“That’s what kept the riverbed flushed out for fish and people,” he said. To prove his point Fredrickson produced a photograph of the old Grays River store (now Duffy’s Irish Pub) with about a 60’ scow docked in front of it. “This is how deep and wide the river used to be,” he said.

As wars go the Grays has escalated as the folks living in the area become more aware of the LCFRB’s plans for their community, and more frustrated. After feeling ignored by Wahkiakum County Commissioners over the Kandoll Road issue, in 2006 the Grays River Habitat Enhancement District contacted State Representative Mark Doumit who then wrote to the State Fish and Wildlife Department asking them to help resolve the Kandoll Road problem. In his reply to Representative Doumit, former Fish and Wildlife Director Jeff Koenings said, “No one likes to see people lose their homes.... However, our position is to allow the Grays River to run its natural course. Unfortunately, allowing the river to restore itself will affect landowners." “It doesn’t have a natural course anymore,” said Fredrickson, “but what that letter means is the government doesn’t give a damn about what’s happening to us, so now we have to fight our own government who uses our tax dollars to hire NGOs who in turn are being allowed to destroy our land.”

Fredrickson said the way it works is subtle. People pay their federal taxes and electric bills. Some funds are placed into the Bonneville Power, and the Fish and Wildlife’s fish mitigation funds. These agencies then turn around and hire an organization like the LCFRB to collect conservation grant proposals from tribal governments, state agencies, property owners, private conservation groups, and other Federal agencies.
When returned, the proposals collected from organizations like Ducks Unlimited or the Columbia Land Trust get reviewed and ranked according to areas of importance. The Lower Columbia Fish Recovery Board then either approves or rejects the grant applications based on the ranking.

Next, in the case of critical areas, the law governing these areas kicks in, and the Department of Fish and Wildlife gets involved. This places the force of law on the side of the NGO. It also places the burden of proof on those who disagree with the conservationists' efforts to return the land to its natural state, like the folks in Grays River whose only recourse now is through the court system. “If this fight is about anything, it’s about people's rights to decide what happens to their lives and their properties,” said Fredrickson. “We’re not rich but we have constitutionally guaranteed property rights.” Fredrickson said if the state and county governments won’t help mitigate the problems the community is having with the conservation groups coming in and taking over, then they plan to escalate the fight by calling in reinforcements such as the national organization, Citizens Alliance for Property Rights.

Columbia Land Trust’s Glen Lamb has responded with we are not to blame which is his take all along.

Monday, November 02, 2009

Citizens Alliance for Property Rights

Meets - Wednesday November 11th @ 7pm @ the Grays River Grange meeting follows the monthly meeting of the Grays River Habitat Enhancement District our flood and diking district. Please come and share your thoughts and ideas together we can save our properties.

We have the opportunity to affect CHANGE for the good
So We must try

We will not be led like sheep to the slaughter we have brains and therefore will become informed and save private property from NGOs and Government