Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Saving Our Farms

Grays’ River, Washington — Rerouting rivers, sloughs and drainage ditches, turning county roads into dams and making wing dikes, digging trenches through private properties, and stealing timber off these private property’s is the technique used by several “environmental groups that have descended upon the west end of Wahkiakum County. The unethical behavior and destruction of private property by these groups is beginning to raise a few eyebrows and turn a few heads. We have the opportunity to save our land from these groups. We must try or our farms, homes, and land will be nothing but swamp.

Residents of Wahkiakum County need to voice their objections to the county’s lack of support for their constituents. The county’s position on the issue has been a hands off approach. We must show opposition to these agencies being set free in the county. Ordinance 10989 has many provisions to protect private property rights and has been ignored by the county and the agencies. Many residents have voiced concern that the local government needs to stand up to the agencies.

The rights of private property owners and the resident’s way of life need to be taken into consideration. The agencies do not know or care what’s right for our community and has proven these by the several “projects” done that are causing havoc and damage in our community.

Ordinance 10989 states WHEREAS, the Board of County commissioners of

Wahkiakum County, Washington does find and declare that it is necessary for the protection and preservation of

the public peace, health, safety, and general welfare in regard to control of the

floodplain within Wahkiakum County, that certain rules and regulations, laws, and conditions established under the police power of the County, and pursuant to the laws of the United States of America and of the State of Washington.

The ordinance prohibits the intentional flooding to private properties which is what these agencies are doing. Such an ordinance is supposed to serve a valid public purpose and to otherwise serve to promote the prosperity, public health, safety and welfare of the residents of the county.”

Raven Webb, a local farmer and member CAPR, states the county cannot let the agencies under the guise of “environmentalists” overrun our lives and the production of food, destroy our farms, homes, property, and lives. There needs to be concern for the safety of the residents Webb says.

Section 1.4


In order to accomplish its purposes, this Ordinance includes methods and provisions for:

(1) Restricting or prohibit uses which are dangerous to health, safety, and property due to

water or erosion hazards, or which result in damaging increases in erosion or in flood heights or velocities;

(2) Requiring that uses vulnerable to floods, including facilities which serve such uses, be

protected against flood damage at the time of initial construction;

(3)Controlling the alteration of natural flood plains, stream channels, and natural protective barriers, which help accommodate or channel flood waters

(4) Controlling filling, grading, dredging, and other development which may increase flood damage; and

(5) Preventing or regulating the construction of flood barriers which will unnaturally

divert flood waters or may increase flood hazards in other areas.

It is unlawful for any person, firm or entity to cause flooding upon other people’s property within the boundaries of Wahkiakum County. Penalties are required to be placed upon any firm or entity convicted of a violation of the ordinance. Parties found in violation would be guilty of a misdemeanor and would be “fined $1,000 per day and/or imprisonment of up to 90 days.

Wahkiakum County Sheriff, DANIEL L. BARDSLEY, Prosecuting Attorney DANIEL BIGLOW, and the Wahkiakum County Commissioners refuse to uphold the County Ordinance, State and Federal laws. Webb states, Property rights need to be defended.

The federal and state governments need to look at what the agencies are doing to people in rural areas; Webb also states that livestock are killed by the enhanced flooding caused by these agencies.

Redirecting, rivers, streams, sloughs, building obstructions in floodways has been allowed to continue since 2004 through present and had caused an uncountable economic hardship to the residents of Wahkiakum County. This is not been about Salmon recovery it about the large amounts of grant dollars given to these agencies our tax dollars. In a time when schools and parks are being closed, lack of funds for health care and elder care this year in Washington State the “environmentalists” were granted an extra 45.6 million to destroy rural America. Farm lands are becoming a thing of the past. Will we import all our food and how safe is that?

Wahkiakum County Commissioners have done nothing to protect their constituents. Wahkiakum County Commissioners have aided and abided and just allowed these agencies to ruin the lives of people trying to live in Wahkiakum County. Wahkiakum County Commissioners refuse to support Ordinance 10989 adopted May 9th, 1989.

Let your voice be heard contact a commissioner today and every day. Let them know you do not support the taking of private property.

Join CAPR, be a bigger voice. Help yourselves before your property rights are just a memory. Join us to protect your property and ours. Be part of the solution. You have an opportunity to affect change, one must try!

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