Sunday, December 07, 2008


The Language of Law

Action Alert! Action Alert!


Dean Takko long time Washington State Representative

Writing legislation to abolish local Flood Control Districts

Takko is prompted by Columbia Land Trust, Ducks Unlimited, and Fish and Wildlife who are the three biggest landowners these entities will be in control of Flood Control

Which is a oxymoron. These entities are known for dike breaching and tide gate removal causing adverse affects to neighboring properties. This is an in for them to remove people from rural areas by inverse condemnation.


CALL to say "NO" to a TAKE OVER

Sick of Congress' supporting and sneaking by legislation that puts power in the hands of a few? Want to stop the ongoing formation of eminent domain and intentional flooding of private property under the guise of salmon recovery? Angry that your elected officials deny the existence of agenda 21? Tired of Congress' and local elected officials failure to protect our nation's independence and sovereignty, to serve the Constitution they were elected to protect? It's time we take more aggressive action.

Join thousands to send joint messages to All states legislators and Capitol Hill!

Mark December 15th 2008

On that date, honest people of Washington state will call members of Congress to voice opposition to the millions of $s given to Special Interest Groups taking over private property under the guise of “Salmon Recovery”.

Our purpose is to flood Capitol Hill with enough phone calls to shut down the switchboards...

As we demand that our elected representatives:

  • Stop efforts to replace people with manmade wetlands
  • Stop granting millions to Non Governmental Organizations
  • Protect our nation's independence and sovereignty
  • Serve the Constitution they were elected to protect

Above all - send the message that the American People will not tolerate the abolishment of PRIVATE PROPERTY RIGHTS!


On December 15th 2008 call as many of the Congressional offices - both locally and in Washington as you can
Tell them:

1. You oppose Funding Non Governmental Organizations which propose to take over local special Taxing districts.

2. You oppose Lower Columbia Fish Recovery Board and Salmon Recovery Board funding projects in the Grays’
River Valley.

3. You oppose any legislation that gives power over private property rights to Non Governmental Organization

3. Say Thank You and hang up!

4. Make the next call.

Do not engage the congressional staffers in debate or conversation because that will slow you down in making multiple calls.

The key to jamming the phone lines on Capital Hill is to keep up a barrage of calls pouring into congressional offices. Call an office, say your message within 30 seconds, say Thank You and hang up. Then dial the next number. We need a constant influx of calls.

You can make two calls a minute - or 120 calls in an hour. If 10,000 people make the calls that amounts to 9.6 million calls in 8 hours.

Don't be fooled. Your Congressmen and Senators know all about the private property take over by Non Governmental Organizations which congress has been funding much to the demise of
America. Demand they stop pandering to Non Governmental corporations and special interests which do not care about the ideals of freedom you and I hold so dear.

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