Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Destroying our pivate property killing salmon w/ tax dollars

This is a reprint from an email I received. This is how Columbia Land Trust makes "willing seller" they destroy your property in the name of "salmon recovery" and force you out. Fish and Wildlife needs to keep killing salmon so the salmon will stay on the endangered species list thus generating more funds to Non governmental organizations that want your land. As Ian Sinks of CLT stated people who own land are wasting it. If they get their way there will be no crops to harvest, hunger will be the norm more then it is now, people will kill for an apple if they even remember what an apple is. We won't know the joy of a country walk Columbia Land Trust has already altered some of this once beautiful valley into an ugly rock monstrosity removing the joy of walking with nature. Wake up people salmon recovery is not for the salmon it is not for you, the rivers, or the environment it is for filling the pockets of these idiots who seek to destroy. There is a record Chinook salmon run and as Poul buts it their will be a record salmon kill by fish and wildlife and NGO's like CLT.

To all interested and concerned!
It's 3:30 am and I can't sleep because I am angry thinking about what the Columbia Land Trust and the Washington Dept. of Fish and Wildlife is doing to our rivers and farms. Between the two there is more damage being done to our way of life than I ever imagined possible. C.L.T. wants to save the salmon, the W.D.F.W. wants to kill the salmon.
Yesterday I was on our dock (in Seal River, off Grays River) trying to catch one of the many salmon jumping and rolling all over. Never in my 12 years here have I seen so many here. Seems that would be a good thing? Except the Seal river goes to two 13ft culverts and into a converted farm to where the fish may or may not get stranded at low tide. The other option for the fish is to find their way back to the Grays River where they belong, only finding their way blocked by the weir put in by WDFW and eager killers of the same name.
To add even more absurdity to this, WDFW agent Brightbill was at the weir checking to see if the boys fishing were getting too close to the State killing setup. Are they afraid they will not get enough fish to kill?
Now back to the Seal River and our dike: The current created by the CLT Kendoll farm project and their two 13ft culverts replacing the former tidegate, is creating so much current that it is scouring our dike. I have brought this up before when I discovered 3ft plus washed away under the dock. Now, because the base silt has been washed away, the dike bank is starting to break off into the river.
Considering the relative short time the CLT project has been in place, and the amount of washout already done, it seems to me it will not be many years before the dike will be washed away and collapse.
If the dike goes, so goes 7 of the 8 acres we own. It would make it so we could only make it to the road at low tide. It would have water over State Highway 4 at every high tide.
Once again I ask that all interested parties, officials and people consider what is going on here. There are other issues connected with this, not least Ravens, Amalas, Blaines and my own property.
I ask that all responsible for this and our keepers of land and laws hold up their responsibility to cause no harm to others.
Poul K. Toftemark
Seal River

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