Thursday, December 31, 2009

Environmentlists losing Clout

Death of environmentalists is near not the actual taking care of nature but the form of those greedy power hungry liars in Non Governmental Organizations such as Columbia Land Trust, Ducks Unlimited, CREST, Lower Columbia Fish Enhancement Group, and Lower Columbia Fish Recovery Board these are just a few that are plaguing our country here in the Pacific Northwest. These groups have been terrorizing the elderly, the widowed, and every land owner in their wake. These groups have destroyed homes and farmlands and have never made nor offered restitution. These groups have left the eco-system in shambles.

Its harbinger is not a conservative onslaught, nor a new Contract with America. Its demise is being signaled by activities conducted in a small rural community known as Grays River, Washington. Grays River/Rosburg is an unincorporated rural village in Wahkiakum County, Washington, United States. Grays River stands on the north bank of the lower Grays River, which flows into the Columbia River estuary. The National Register of Historic Places-listed Grays River Covered Bridge crosses the Grays River in the community. It is the only such bridge still in use in Washington.

Grays River and Rosburg Washington sit side by side they are areas rich in history and culture. These areas were natural wonderlands rich in scenic beauty, organic farming, and wonderful people. These organizations have been buying up land, making willing sellers by flooding people repeatedly since 2004 without funds for lawyer fees ancestral homes are bought up for pennies on the dollar. Rivers and waterways have been rerouted causing scouring of property, private property that has been farmed for over one-hundred years is now marsh, fish are being swooshed onto hay fields where they become fowl and coyote bait, several historic sites have been bulldozed and ruined, and people’s homes have been destroyed. These NGO’s actually state they are restoring, restoring what we ask? In actuality they are destroying a way of life and the eco-system.

Grays River and Rosburg Washington, home to many people who believe do as you will but harm none. This philosophy has served well over the years until the outside city slicker environmentalists learned that big money could be had a all that needed to be said is salmon recovery. One did not have to actually recover salmon they just had to put the words into a grant and behold millions fill their pockets.

In the United States today, the organized environmental movement is represented by a wide range of organizations sometimes called non-governmental organizations or NGOs. These organizations exist on local, national, and international scales. Environmental NGOs vary widely in political views and in the amount they seek to influence the environmental policy of the United States and other governments. The environmental movement today consists of both large national groups and also many smaller local groups with pretending to have local concerns. Some resemble the old U.S. conservation movement - whose modern expression is the Nature Conservancy, Audubon Society and National Geographic Society - American organizations with a worldwide influence.

Links for Other Sources of Salmon Recovery Information

The Alliance for America is a national coalition of grassroots organizations; its website brings ... gbstripe.gif (1558 bytes). Return to The Great Salmon Hoax.

Fishery agency mismanagement, coupled with natural trends working against salmon, has brought northwest salmon runs to historic lows. Charged by law to protect salmon, yet promote salmon harvest, fishery agencies do not even count how many Columbia Basin salmon are caught and killed for consumption, or measure the cost-effectiveness of salmon hatcheries. Fish and Wild life place weirs (traps) in rivers and kill all salmon before the salmon can lay eggs and hatch more salmon. The only reason I can think of is salmon recovery is big bucks not salmon recovery.

The most basic biological facts about salmon are politicized, as fishery officials misrepresent the effects of dams on salmon to extract federal funding from the Bonneville Power Administration. The result? A $3 billion program focused on fine-tuning fish passage at mainstem Columbia and Snake River dams that fails to recover salmon, because there is no evidence that those dams are a limiting factor in salmon recovery

Human beings, as a species, have no more value than slugs." John Davis

History of Environmentalism

May 31, 2008 ... Environmental History Timeline. Radford University. 20 Apr. 2003.> ...

Environmentalism initially manifested itself with the emergence of claiming people were damaging the environment.

Such exuberance was quickly snuffed out by the harsh realities of the Great Depression, Nazism, the bleak existence most families found themselves in, and the eventual national commitment to a two front war. There was scant time available for dalliances with anything that wasn’t practical and immediate. Concepts and ideas outside of the very real and necessary were left to those in the colleges of America and Europe or to professional philosophers and theorists.

The esoteric took a backseat to the real.

Then, after a relatively brief period of peace, America elected a young Senator from the state of Massachusetts, and environmentalism was once again uncorked. Fermented by years of being bottled up by the necessities imposed by the outside world, environmentalism was unleashed full tilt into a generation excited by the charisma of a core of unfounded, cheep talking politicos who enthralled them. Eager to escape their depression educated parents and their parents’ puritanical concepts in child rearing; this generation accelerated past the standard bearers and never looked back. Chicago 1968.

Based on the reasonable concepts of equal civil rights (although it took Republicans to actually get civil rights legislation passed in the sixties; over objections of many Democrats), women’s rights, taking care of the poor and protecting the weak, liberal thought was embraceable by many who felt blessed in those heady times. The original concepts of egalitarianism were soon consumed by an unstoppable tornado that evolved from the anti-war movement and its associated rebellion against all restraints; parental, moral, and governmental.

The acceleration of environmentalism thought through its lighting fast evolutionary period makes expansion of our universe look like a pedal car at a NASCAR race, and since it has raced along for fifty years at maximum rpm and it will soon burn out like a piston in a lean running engine.

Environmentalism is now best defined by its extremists. Much like Spinal Tap, environmentalists are not content to have the volume up to 10; they have a need to continually go to 11, and beyond. No idea is off the table. No idea is too extreme. Just keep turning the volume knob to the right, 12, 13, maybe. Bose eat your heart out.

Which brings us back to Grays River and Rosburg Washington.

Grays River and Rosburg Washington are proud of their heritage and dismayed, frightened, and appalled with the frivolous, eccentric behavior, unlawful, and down right evil acts of these NGOs. The residents are equally dismayed that state, federal, and county officials have allowed by taking the hands off approach these NGOs to destroy private properties. Residents find it incredible that they can not get the media to print, show, or distribute an accurate picture of the damages being done to the eco-system and people. It’s hard to understand when one calls EPA and tells them eleven plus people in white protective suits are spraying illegal chemicals to be told Columbia Land Trust is such a stellar organization and says they aren’t when you have the pictures to prove they are.

The real crisis continues, the media has refused to print the truth. Cds have been sent out to 20/20, two on your side; get Jesse just to name a few with no response. All things reach an acme, for thought it was Election 2008. The reality of implementing environmentalist ideas in government in 2009 and beyond comes with the revelation that gaining environmentalist consensus is much more difficult than herding cats and much less likely than taming badgers. Because of the now disparate nature of many core beliefs, environmentalists simply are losing clout and cannot effectively govern and we are starting to get a few prints in the media and people across America are waking up.

Sometimes the brightest star does burn itself out first. With nowhere to go, except past 14, 15, and beyond on the volume knob, environmentalism is quickly replacing its once viable compassionate reason with more volume and diametrically opposing ideas; ideological difficulties which are not easy to overcome with lurking massive deficits and growing taxpayer unrest its hard to stomach billions given to salmon recovery (which is really killing salmon). There is significantly less salmon then before they began and people waking up to the tune of big money grants do not save salmon or the environment, and thus far is destroying people.

The environmentalist movement is quite literally running out of ideological steam after is meteoric run, but now a long period of acrimony and infighting awaits.

I only hope Americans are ready to let the truth prevail!

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