Saturday, October 25, 2008

NGO's get millions for land acquistion

Lower Columbia Fish Recovery Group received funding under the guise of working with community members and calls themselves “the Grays RIVER Work Group”. Sounds like a good thing in reality the group consists of Columbia Land Trust, Fish and Wildlife, Lower Columbia Fish Enhancement Group, Karen Bertroch a greedy grant writer without concern for anyone or anything except her huge pockets, and CREST.

As a landowners and community members several of us tried to work with this group as things progressed we found the minutes did not reflect the meetings, concerns voiced by the honest landowners were ignored and when votes were taken on project funding the majority should rule no this was not the case it was stated in the minutes it was an unanimous decision to award CLT funds to purchase crazy Johnson area when the minutes were disputed another vote was taken and again the funding was shot down by the majority it was again ignored and stated it was unanimous.The honest landowners removed themselves from this work group over a year ago by sending letters. This too has been ignored our names are being used to promote this group as working with the community which they are not.

The Lower Columbia Fish Recovery Group is deceptive, I have sent letters to Governor Chris Gregoire giving documentation on illegal use of Government funds but she can not, will not grasp, or does she know she is providing funding for eminent domain? For the last four years I have written to every legislative body and person requesting an investigation into misappropriation of Government Funds and no one will respond.
We have received the Grays River Community Restoration Plan and Project design by this group and the community takes offence to being named in this plan because we do not support this plan.

The plan plans to dig channels through private property taking away our land in the entire Grays River Valley. The plan is not scientific or geologically sound. It is based on assumptions for fish recovery and restoration. It will provide funding for land acquisitions, removing people from ancestral homes that were homesteaded over 130 years ago. The plan is based on wording such as likely, there may have been, and could have been before settlement of people, there may have been a channel here or there when in fact these statements are geologically and scientifically false.

What is clear is that the projects designed will remove people from the area; it will destroy agriculture, farms, and lives. It will cause an imbalance to the ecosystem that will have far reaching adverse effects and it will destroy hunting and fishing grounds. The plan will provide the above Non Governmental Organizations over 20 million just to start provided by your tax dollars paid out in Government Grants. This is huge, it is eminent domain, and it is bad for the country.

Even if the country was not having a financial crisis this is a waste of money, a waste of resources, and an abomination to property rights and the principals on which America was founded on.

A public meeting will be held Tuesday October 28th, 2008 at the Gays River Grange hosted by LCFRB giving a propagandized spiel on the “wonderful” things they plan on doing to us. They will try and convince everyone this is for their own good, as Ian Sinks of CLT says “people who own rural land are wasting it”, and you will be told how this will help with flooding. All of what they say is geared to take away private property and to fill their pockets with your tax dollars under the guise of restoration and fish recovery.
NGO’s think we are stupid they come in with the warm and fuzzy talk of how they are here to help the only thing they are helping is their pocket books. Wake up, stand up for your rights, and your community. The honest community members are signing in under protest.

The meeting materials are posted on the LCFRB website if you would like to review them before the meeting:

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