Monday, December 29, 2008

Rural Genocide

Do you have common sense or not?

This is the question of the decade. People everywhere are coming to terms with the reality of “Rural Cleansing” and the goals of Agenda 21.

If you have common sense then you are aware or are willing to learn that Government, Non Governmental Organizations, and the UN have joined forces in a plot so obvious, yet so subtle, so seemingly benevolent, in reality NGOs like Columbia Land Trust are fundamentally evil. Some call this movement rural cleansing, I call it Rural Genocide.

Ian Sinks of Columbia Land Trust based on Officers Row in Vancouver, Washington has been procuring the Genocide of Wahkiakum County since 2004. Public statements made by Sinks include “people who live in rural areas are wasting the land; no one should own rural land”. Columbia Land Trust has opened an office in Astoria, Oregon to promote the Genocide in Oregon, headed up by Nadia, a Sinks clone.

These statements are not made lightly; they come from five years of West Wahkiakum County under siege, terrorized by Columbia Land Trust in partnership with Ducks Unlimited and Funded by the Salmon Recovery Board. “Willing Sellers” are made by alterations of waterways, dredging and filling, removal of tide gates, breaching dikes, erection of structures channeling rivers into homes, impoundment of water, and destruction of farm land and homes. This is the effort made by CLT to enact Genocide in Rural Communities. It is not just the people who live here, it is the animals CLT has flooded grazing grounds of countless deer, elk, prairie critters, and has diverted salmon into hay fields where they die. On the CLT web site Ian Sinks notes salmon like to graze and lay eggs in grass, I suppose deer now eat salmon how far we have come in “evolution”, stupidity is more like it.

The efforts of Columbia Land Trust has caused State Infrastructure damage, State Highways have been shut down for up to five days due to CLT “projects”. County Roads have been washed out and gravel embedded in streams, fill dirt and materials placed in navigable waters decreasing depth from 21 feet to a mere 9 feet, that is a fill of 11 feet in navigable waters.

Rural Cleansing – Rural Genocide plain and simple with devastating results to farms, Eco-system, and people. Columbia Land Trust, Ian Sinks and other NGOs are not hesitant in the least to evoke the widespread rape and murder that defines “ethnic cleansing” getting rid of the rural population. Raven Webb an unfortunate neighbor to a Columbia Land Trust “project” states she is not about to dig her own grave and be shot into the grave quietly, she will continue to cause a thunderous movement to stop Rural Genocide.

People are so naive, living in the city, not experiencing the reality of what NGOs are doing to the earth and only hearing the talk of NGOs and how they are “saving the environment” is the lie of the century. If people refuse to wake up, ask questions, get facts, of the true meaning behind NGOs we are all doomed, animals and fish included. The evil perpetuated by Columbia Land Trust has been unstoppable, donations continue, and tax dollars flow into their pockets. Facts would shut them down, people are unwilling to see the truth or stand for what is right; being honest can be a lonely place, it is the only place to be, I know no other.

One could say Columbia Land Trust has not fired a shot or forcibly made Wahkiakum County Residence dig their graves but the result has been the same. Many Residences lives, finances, homes, and retirement benefits lay in ruin due to the efforts and “projects” of Columbia Land Trust. Wahkiakum County is under siege by extremely well financed NGOs. In this small Rural Community there are over 7 NGOs making “willing sellers” Columbia land Trust is the biggest land holder in Wahkiakum County they own 1/3 of the County bought and paid for with your tax dollars.

The Endangered Species Act is the process used to expunge humans from their homes. Using the ESA, Columbia Land Trust is flooding people out of their homes. Older farmers and rural dwellers are easy targets for CLT they are offered buyouts at elevated prices and these struggling farmers after a few years of being flooded by CLT’s alterations become “willing sellers”. The “willing sellers” are lied to and told their land will be preserved; this has never been the case the land has always been altered to cause flooding to more neighbors thus making more “willing sellers”.

It is not about saving the environment. It is about Greed, Power, and Rural Cleansing which is a nice term for what it really is Rural Genocide, which means; Murder of an entire ethnic group (Rural private property owners): the systematic killing (destruction) of all the people from a specific group, (people who love the country) national, ethnic, or religious group, or an attempt to do this.

The environmental vultures insist on gobbling up rural private land. At least real vultures allow their victims to die before they consume them. Our private lands are not near death, they were abundant in wildlife before CLT, however, NGO's are anxious to divest them. If willing buyers are not to be found, they will be made. Many environmental groups and governmental agencies are so anxious to acquire private rural land, the only plausible explanation is to increase their already massive power and control. They have the insatiable appetite to add to their kingdom and further oppress the people and have a fanatic need to exert their influence over everything that moves or does not, or whether or not a problem exists. They will however, manage to create many problems in the process. And, it must be borne in mind that history has shown big brother to very often be a lousy steward of the land. The populace must wake up and recognize the monster, Hitler (NGO's) for what it is Rural Genocide.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Rural Cleansing

Michael S. Coffman, Ph. D.
For American Land Foundation

Our view of reality and the role of government in our lives greatly influence how we view property rights. Americans no longer have the opportunity to learn the foundations of freedom and to understand what it really means to have the God-given right to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” as penned by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independ­ence. Since the 1970s, we are increasingly following another system of governance that is systematically destroying the very principle that has made America the greatest nation in the history of the world.

America is in a war of world views between the principles of freedom laid down by John Locke (1632-1704) in his Two Treatises on Government (1689) and Jean Jacques Rousseau in his Social Contract (1762) and Discourse on the Origin of Inequality (1754). Govern­ment’s purpose, accord­ing to Locke, is to join with others to “unite, for the mutual preservation of their lives, liberties and estate, which I call by the general name, property.” According to Locke, the primary reason for government “is the preservation of their property.” (Italics added) This fundamental principle became the cornerstone of the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution.

Rousseau attacked Locke’s model, arguing that individuality and property rights divide man by focusing on self-interest and greed rather than the good of society. He claims that property rights bind the poor thereby giving “new powers to the rich” that destroys “natural liberty” and equality and converts “usurpation into unalter­able right.” He argues for the creation of the common good as embod­ied through an abstract, public will he called the ‘general will’. In his model, the enlightened state deter­mines the general will of the people through the force of law, including how property will be used. Rousseau provided the foundational philosophy that spawned the bloody French Revolution and inspired the writings of Immanuel Kant, Georg W. F. Hegel and Karl Marx and many others, thereby planting the seeds for the European model of socialism and Russian communism.

Rousseau’s model of forced compliance has formed the basis of social and environmental laws in America since the 1970s. This is causing a hemorrhage in individ­ual liberties once taken for granted by all Americans, including property rights. Without private property, individuals are powerless to oppose any infringe­ment on their rights due to government control over the fruits of their labor. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the old Soviet Union, where all property belonged to the state. No one could speak out against the government for fear of their family being evicted, or their job taken away, by the local communist commissar.

Environmentalists claim that private property rights and greed are the root problem of pollution and environ­ment­al degradation. Yet, the worst pollution and environ­mental degradation has been on public land, water, or air – not private land. Since no one “owns” the land, water or air, pride of ownership or sense of responsibility to care for these entities is lost. It is called the Tragedy of the Commons. Again, the worst examp­les of this phen­omenon were the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe where there was no private property, yet they had the worst environmental record in the history of mankind.

Locke’s model recognizes and uses the human trait of self-interest to better oneself. Unencumbered private property provides the catalyst to stimulate individuals to be creative and take risk in finding a better way, product, or service to meet a human need – including protecting the environment. In Locke’s approach property owners would be restricted only by laws and regulations that keep them from activities that clearly cause harm to their neighbors or their property. If property is taken for the public good, the public pays just compen­sation.

Conversely, the Rousseau model places control in the hands of unaccountable, unelected government bureaucrats. Their primary incentive is to make their regulatory jobs easier and more efficient so they can build bigger empires at the people’s expense. Nothing is produced. Unless there is strong oversight of bureaucrats — something politicians rarely do — there is no account­ability to keep them from administering laws in a corrupt, arbitrary and capricious manner. While Rousseau social­ism does not destroy prop­erty rights as effectively as totalitarianism or communism, it nonetheless opens the door to corruption and dampens economic and personal freedom in proportion to the amount of regulation imposed.

In his compelling book The Mystery of Capital, Hernando de Soto accurately identifies private property rights as the key to reducing poverty and producing wealth. Legal title to use property represents equity. This equity can be used as collateral for a loan to create the capital needed to start, expand or buy into a business which then yields income and wealth. If strangling regulations encumber property rights there is little to no equity and therefore little to no capital with which to create wealth. Without wealth, the environment cannot be protected. A family whose primary focus is to put food on the table is not going to be interested in protect­ing the environment.

The most striking example of how socialism destroys the wealth-building capability of property is found in the developing nations of the world. In these nations the simple act of legally transferring the title to property can take years, even decades in a sea of corruption and regulations. Few people have the time or resources to legally own property and therefore the property has no legal asset value. Hernando de Soto has shown that the total value of property held, but not legally owned, by the poor of the developing nations and former communist countries is at least $9.3 trillion! This is ninety-three times as much as all development assistance to the developing nations from all advanced countries during the past thirty years. There would be no need for foreign aid if these poverty-stricken people could have access to the asset value of their presently dead capital.

The Endangered Species Act, wetlands regulations, the Clean Water Initiative and a host of other environ­mental laws have one thing in common. State control of property rights based on the Rousseau model which strips or plunders the value of property from rural landowners. It is harming, even destroying the economic foundation of rural communities and counties as tens of billions, perhaps hundreds of billions of dollars of property value has been transferred to the government via regulation.

The plundering of rural America has gotten so bad that a Wall Street Journal (WSJ) editorial on July 26, 2001, called it “rural cleansing.” The WSJ claimed that this is the intent of the environmentalists, “The goal of many environ­mental groups…is no longer to protect nature. It is to expunge humans from the countryside” by suing or lobby­ing the “government into declaring rural areas off-limits to people who live and work there.” This can be done outright or by having “restrictions placed on the land that either render it unusable or persuade owners to leave of their own accord.”

Contrary to the popular myth that environmentalists work on a shoe-string for the benefit of mankind, the October 20, 1997, Boston Globe estimated the total funding for environmental activism to be around four billion dollars annually! Using top-dollar Madison Avenue packaging, their Rousseau-oriented environ­mental message finds willing listeners in urban America. While we do need to protect the environment, these slick, but distorted or false messages have easily manipulated the largely uninformed urban voters and politicians into believing all kinds of terrible things are happening that can only be solved with big government control. In response, Con­gress has created an inter­locking web of Rousseau-based laws and regulat­ions that usurp local and state juris­dict­ions and bestow enorm­ous powers on federal bureau­crats who have little to no account­ability to those they gov­ern.

Anti-property rights activists use Rousseau’s “per­ceive­d good result” or the “public good” to attack the basis for constitutional property rights. Since the 1970s, activist courts have been systematically ruling that the use of private property and “the rights of the individual” endanger the rights of all the people. Yet, why should the last owners of wetlands, endangered species habitat, beautiful scenery or many other environmental and social benefits, have to shoulder the entire cost of protection or provision when the problem was created by the activities of thousands of other people? Most Americans would say that they shouldn’t. Yet, that is exactly what is happening to tens of thousands of Americans.

Government intrusion into the right to own and use property under the Trojan horse of the “public good” is beginning to cause great harm to American citizens, and is undermining the very foundation that has made America the greatest nation in human history. We can blindly continue to convert to the Jean Jacques Rousseau model of governance by the whim of bureaucrats, or we can return to the model of John Locke where private property is protected by govern­ment through law.

It is clear from a myriad of examples that the Rousseau model leads to corruption in government and a decline in the human condition while the Locke model yields freedom, prosperity and environmental protect­ion. Which one would you choose?


Dr. Michael Coffman is president of Environmental Perspectives, Inc. and CEO of Sovereignty International Corporation in Bangor, Maine.

American Land Foundation

P.O. Box 1033

Taylor, Texas 76574

Monday, December 08, 2008

It is Official

It Is Official!

Wahkiakum County Is Lawless

Today is a Heartrending Day for All Americans Who Believed in Truth Justice and the American Way

It was determined that all elected officials are given discretionary privilege as to what laws to enforce, who to or not to protect against assault, and to protect private property or NOT!

It was well noted by several Wahkiakum County Residences who sought Justice Today Against well financed Columbia Land Trust and Ducks Unlimited who have caused personal injuries, trauma, and private property damage to several that the law does not apply to them! Nor do they have to be accountable.

Sunday, December 07, 2008


The Language of LawThe Language of Law

Monday, 1:30pm December 8th, 2008 is a day of reckoning, the settlement of accountability.

Tomorrow is court in Wahkiakum County, Washington where it will be determined if in fact laws must be enforced and adhered to or if Wahkiakum County elected officials will continue to ignore their constituents.

Will Wahkiakum County continue to allow the lawlessness of Columbia Land Trust, Ducks Unlimited, and several other agencies that have caused physical and mental harm, private property damage, county property damage, and eco-system damage go unaccounted for?

This is the question of the day.

Columbia Land Trust and Ducks Unlimited were proven at fault in 2006 and again in 2008 by their own Model shown to Wahkiakum County Stakeholders. Several letters from these entities were presented as evidence to fault. Letters from several legislative branches, Department of Ecology, Department of the Insurance Commissioner, Governor Chris Gregorie, and several others stating these entities were working with their victims to make restitution (which was untrue) were also included as evidence, along with pictures, and a hydrologist report. 33 violations have occurred and are backed with evidence and case law.

Is the truth going to prevail or will the fancy side steps of the attorneys prevail?

This is a case for all, it is not just about Wahkiakum County, it is about how elected officials fail us, it is about how powerful organizations armed with your tax dollars through grants under the guise of “salmon recovery” and ESA can rob, destroy, and cause absolute devastation. Private property rights are what our country was founded on, it is becoming a thing of the past, and it is now shrouded in greed and deceit by entities posing as environmentalists.

Join with us as we demand JUSTICE for all!

The truth shall prevail. As justice, sanity, and common sense is a victory for all.

Raven Webb


The Language of Law

Action Alert! Action Alert!


Dean Takko long time Washington State Representative

Writing legislation to abolish local Flood Control Districts

Takko is prompted by Columbia Land Trust, Ducks Unlimited, and Fish and Wildlife who are the three biggest landowners these entities will be in control of Flood Control

Which is a oxymoron. These entities are known for dike breaching and tide gate removal causing adverse affects to neighboring properties. This is an in for them to remove people from rural areas by inverse condemnation.


CALL to say "NO" to a TAKE OVER

Sick of Congress' supporting and sneaking by legislation that puts power in the hands of a few? Want to stop the ongoing formation of eminent domain and intentional flooding of private property under the guise of salmon recovery? Angry that your elected officials deny the existence of agenda 21? Tired of Congress' and local elected officials failure to protect our nation's independence and sovereignty, to serve the Constitution they were elected to protect? It's time we take more aggressive action.

Join thousands to send joint messages to All states legislators and Capitol Hill!

Mark December 15th 2008

On that date, honest people of Washington state will call members of Congress to voice opposition to the millions of $s given to Special Interest Groups taking over private property under the guise of “Salmon Recovery”.

Our purpose is to flood Capitol Hill with enough phone calls to shut down the switchboards...

As we demand that our elected representatives:

  • Stop efforts to replace people with manmade wetlands
  • Stop granting millions to Non Governmental Organizations
  • Protect our nation's independence and sovereignty
  • Serve the Constitution they were elected to protect

Above all - send the message that the American People will not tolerate the abolishment of PRIVATE PROPERTY RIGHTS!


On December 15th 2008 call as many of the Congressional offices - both locally and in Washington as you can
Tell them:

1. You oppose Funding Non Governmental Organizations which propose to take over local special Taxing districts.

2. You oppose Lower Columbia Fish Recovery Board and Salmon Recovery Board funding projects in the Grays’
River Valley.

3. You oppose any legislation that gives power over private property rights to Non Governmental Organization

3. Say Thank You and hang up!

4. Make the next call.

Do not engage the congressional staffers in debate or conversation because that will slow you down in making multiple calls.

The key to jamming the phone lines on Capital Hill is to keep up a barrage of calls pouring into congressional offices. Call an office, say your message within 30 seconds, say Thank You and hang up. Then dial the next number. We need a constant influx of calls.

You can make two calls a minute - or 120 calls in an hour. If 10,000 people make the calls that amounts to 9.6 million calls in 8 hours.

Don't be fooled. Your Congressmen and Senators know all about the private property take over by Non Governmental Organizations which congress has been funding much to the demise of
America. Demand they stop pandering to Non Governmental corporations and special interests which do not care about the ideals of freedom you and I hold so dear.

Land Rights

Land Rights Network
American Land Rights Association
PO Box 400 - Battle Ground, WA 98604
Phone: 360-687-3087 - Fax: 360-687-2973
Web Address:
Legislative Office: 507 Seward Square SE - Washington, DC 20003

Clinton, Gore, Babbitt Gang Taking Over Obama Natural Resources

Obama prepares to finish Babbitt’s “War on the West.”

Rural America in grave danger!!

Please forward this message as widely as possible—quickly!

-----Draft of Environmental Organization Transition Plan For Obama
Administration Can Be Found At

Omnibus Bill Report below.

-----Special Note: This plan is the Environmental Group outline for the
next four to eight years of the Obama Administration for the Natural
Resources part of the Government. Interior, Agriculture, Corps of
Engineers, Environmental Protection Agency, Council on Environmental Quality
and others.

The change you've been waiting for is just about to arrive. And on Federal
lands and property rights issues, the change looks like a return to the bad
old days of Bill Clinton and Bruce Babbitt's War on the West.

Leading the Obama transition team for the Interior Department are David
Hayes and John Leshy. Hayes was Deputy Secretary of the Interior under
Secretary Babbitt in the Clinton Administration.

Hayes now works for the World Wildlife Fund. Leshy was Solicitor General of
the Interior Department under Babbitt. Leshy has spent his whole career
trying to get natural resource producers, especially small miners, off
Federal lands.

Both Hayes and Leshy have been mentioned as on the list to be Obama's choice
for Interior Secretary. Incredibly, some of the other names being mentioned
are even worse. Most of them served in the Clinton Administration and most
of them have worked for one of the radical preservationist groups.

Think back to what those years--1993 to 2001--were like when Clinton and
Babbitt were waging their War on the West.

Logging stopped in our National Forests.
Grazing permittees harassed and arrested.
Huge areas closed to entry under the General Mining Law.
Trails closed to off-roaders and snow-mobilers.

Thousands of miles of roads closed by the Roadless Rule.

Inholders denied access to their own property.

Hundreds of species listed as endangered under the ESA.

Now, the same people who gave us the Roadless Rule are getting ready to come
back. They didn't get everything locked up and closed down during the eight
Clinton years largely because the Republicans won control of the House and
Senate. But now Nancy Pelosi is Speaker of the House and Harry Reid is
Senate Majority Leader.

The radical preservationists that staffed Babbitt's Interior Department want
to finish what they started.

Lock it up.

Close it down.

No natural resource production allowed.

Recreation and hunting prohibited on millions of more acres.

Huge new Wilderness Areas.

Hundreds and hundreds more endangered species listings.

Even widespread condemnation of private inholdings is on their agenda.

The 26,000,000 acre National Landscape Conservation System (NLCS) is a first
class example of what they are going to try to do nationally.

Here's what you need to do to stop the second War on the West.

Deluge your Senators office (For the New Congress) to urge them not to
approve John Leshy, David Hayes or any other Babbitt Interior Department
Alumni as Secretary of Interior. You do not want to have to fight for
survival in a new Obama War On The West.

Call any Senator at (202) 224-3121.

Ask for their e-mail and/or fax number. Send them a letter opposing the new
War On The West.

You must act quickly.

-----Urgent Action Required --

------You successfully defeated the giant Omnibus Federal Land Grab Bill.
But Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) Senate Majority Leader, promises that it will
be high if not first on his agenda in the new Congress.

-----You must be all over your Senators like a cheap suit by phone, fax and
e-mail to head of this terrible land grab. Call Any Senator at (202)

Chuck Cushman
Executive Director