This is a reprint from an email I received. This is how Columbia Land Trust makes "willing seller" they destroy your property in the name of "salmon recovery" and force you out. Fish and Wildlife needs to keep killing salmon so the salmon will stay on the endangered species list thus generating more funds to Non governmental organizations that want your land. As Ian Sinks of CLT stated people who own land are wasting it. If they get their way there will be no crops to harvest, hunger will be the norm more then it is now, people will kill for an apple if they even remember what an apple is. We won't know the joy of a country walk Columbia Land Trust has already altered some of this once beautiful valley into an ugly rock monstrosity removing the joy of walking with nature. Wake up people salmon recovery is not for the salmon it is not for you, the rivers, or the environment it is for filling the pockets of these idiots who seek to destroy. There is a record Chinook salmon run and as Poul buts it their will be a record salmon kill by fish and wildlife and NGO's like CLT.
To all interested and concerned!
It's 3:30 am and I can't sleep because I am angry thinking about what the Columbia Land Trust and the Washington Dept. of Fish and Wildlife is doing to our rivers and farms. Between the two there is more damage being done to our way of life than I ever imagined possible. C.L.T. wants to save the salmon, the W.D.F.W. wants to kill the salmon.
Yesterday I was on our dock (in Seal River, off Grays River) trying to catch one of the many salmon jumping and rolling all over. Never in my 12 years here have I seen so many here. Seems that would be a good thing? Except the Seal river goes to two 13ft culverts and into a converted farm to where the fish may or may not get stranded at low tide. The other option for the fish is to find their way back to the Grays River where they belong, only finding their way blocked by the weir put in by WDFW and eager killers of the same name.
To add even more absurdity to this, WDFW agent Brightbill was at the weir checking to see if the boys fishing were getting too close to the State killing setup. Are they afraid they will not get enough fish to kill?
Now back to the Seal River and our dike: The current created by the CLT Kendoll farm project and their two 13ft culverts replacing the former tidegate, is creating so much current that it is scouring our dike. I have brought this up before when I discovered 3ft plus washed away under the dock. Now, because the base silt has been washed away, the dike bank is starting to break off into the river.
Considering the relative short time the CLT project has been in place, and the amount of washout already done, it seems to me it will not be many years before the dike will be washed away and collapse.
If the dike goes, so goes 7 of the 8 acres we own. It would make it so we could only make it to the road at low tide. It would have water over State Highway 4 at every high tide.
Once again I ask that all interested parties, officials and people consider what is going on here. There are other issues connected with this, not least Ravens, Amalas, Blaines and my own property.
I ask that all responsible for this and our keepers of land and laws hold up their responsibility to cause no harm to others.
Poul K. Toftemark
Seal River
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Government is drowing out the people's voice
To The Eagle;
This is an example of how our government work; There was a "hearing" to see what people thought of the plans to kill the salmon in the Grays River, our river.
We he public overwhelmingly disagreed with the plan to once again kill the salmon to reduce the river to chum, yet here they are, disregarding public voice and blatantly damaging the river against river law! How much insanity must we put up with from the people spending our tax money?
Instead o feeding the river with carcasses they will be otherwise disposed of. I strongly urge all to come and view and protest the kill at the Covered Bridge on the Grays River please and come and see it yourself, bring your voices and experience the power of our government over the people's voice. It is very demoralizing when you find out that this isn't as democratic as you think.
Poul K. Toftemark
This is an example of how our government work; There was a "hearing" to see what people thought of the plans to kill the salmon in the Grays River, our river.
We he public overwhelmingly disagreed with the plan to once again kill the salmon to reduce the river to chum, yet here they are, disregarding public voice and blatantly damaging the river against river law! How much insanity must we put up with from the people spending our tax money?
Instead o feeding the river with carcasses they will be otherwise disposed of. I strongly urge all to come and view and protest the kill at the Covered Bridge on the Grays River please and come and see it yourself, bring your voices and experience the power of our government over the people's voice. It is very demoralizing when you find out that this isn't as democratic as you think.
Poul K. Toftemark
Flood Laws and Private Property Rights
Wahkiakum County Eagle
September 25, 2008
Judge Hears Flood Law Pleas
By Rick Nelson
Wahkiakum County Superior Court Judge Michael Sullivan may rule next week on Rosburg resident Raven Webb’s suit to force Sheriff Dan Bardsley to enforce the county’s flood plain ordinance.
Webb claims non profit organizations have altered the Grays River flood plain, causing an increase in flood flow that has repeatedly flooded her residence. The county’s flood zone ordinance bars actions which increase the flood flow, she said in her pleadings, and she asked the court to order Bardsley to enforce the law.
Representing Bardsley, Prosecuting Attorney Dan Bigelow has responded that the ordinance does not specifically put enforcement duties on the office of the sheriff. He asked that the action be dismissed, and Sullivan held a hearing on Monday to consider arguments.
Sullivan said he had read the file and wondered why Webb hadn’t sued Columbia Land Trust, whom she blames for the flooding. He added that long established precedents in Washington, you can’t force elected officials to do something.
Webb responded that she has no other responded that she has no other remedy with out public officials upholding the ordinance, she and other residents in the area will be harmed, she said, she once hired an attorney, but negotiations went nowhere, she said.
Why don’t you take the extra step and include Columbia Land Trust” Sullivan asked. She could ask for an injunction to stop Columbia Land Trust activities until the case was settled.
The US. Constitution state constitution and Revised Code of Wahkiakum County spell out the duties of officials to enforce laws, she replied.
When asked for his comments, Bigelow replied they were contained in the file, but briefly the sheriff has neither the duty nor the authority to enforce the ordinance.
Who does? Sullivan asked, and Bigelow explained that the ordinance dealt with licensing and permitting issues that would be county departments, and that the prosecutor also could take action on violations. Bigelow added that he has toured the area as part of an investigation.
I’ll consider your argument that the sheriff has a mandatory duty to enforce an ordinance even if he’s not specifically listed,” Sullivan said to Webb.
“It’s an interesting point; I’ve never seen that argument before”. Sullivan said he would allow both parties to file additional arguments up till 3pm Friday. The court clerk would then send the files to him and he would rule after that.
September 25, 2008
Judge Hears Flood Law Pleas
By Rick Nelson
Wahkiakum County Superior Court Judge Michael Sullivan may rule next week on Rosburg resident Raven Webb’s suit to force Sheriff Dan Bardsley to enforce the county’s flood plain ordinance.
Webb claims non profit organizations have altered the Grays River flood plain, causing an increase in flood flow that has repeatedly flooded her residence. The county’s flood zone ordinance bars actions which increase the flood flow, she said in her pleadings, and she asked the court to order Bardsley to enforce the law.
Representing Bardsley, Prosecuting Attorney Dan Bigelow has responded that the ordinance does not specifically put enforcement duties on the office of the sheriff. He asked that the action be dismissed, and Sullivan held a hearing on Monday to consider arguments.
Sullivan said he had read the file and wondered why Webb hadn’t sued Columbia Land Trust, whom she blames for the flooding. He added that long established precedents in Washington, you can’t force elected officials to do something.
Webb responded that she has no other responded that she has no other remedy with out public officials upholding the ordinance, she and other residents in the area will be harmed, she said, she once hired an attorney, but negotiations went nowhere, she said.
Why don’t you take the extra step and include Columbia Land Trust” Sullivan asked. She could ask for an injunction to stop Columbia Land Trust activities until the case was settled.
The US. Constitution state constitution and Revised Code of Wahkiakum County spell out the duties of officials to enforce laws, she replied.
When asked for his comments, Bigelow replied they were contained in the file, but briefly the sheriff has neither the duty nor the authority to enforce the ordinance.
Who does? Sullivan asked, and Bigelow explained that the ordinance dealt with licensing and permitting issues that would be county departments, and that the prosecutor also could take action on violations. Bigelow added that he has toured the area as part of an investigation.
I’ll consider your argument that the sheriff has a mandatory duty to enforce an ordinance even if he’s not specifically listed,” Sullivan said to Webb.
“It’s an interesting point; I’ve never seen that argument before”. Sullivan said he would allow both parties to file additional arguments up till 3pm Friday. The court clerk would then send the files to him and he would rule after that.
Monday, September 22, 2008
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11921 allows the Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency to develop plans to establish control over the mechanisms of production and distribution, of energy sources, wages, salaries, credit and the flow of money in U.S. financial institution in any undefined national emergency. It also provides that when a state of emergency is declared by the President - Congress cannot review the action for six months.A complete explanation is here:
Friday, September 19, 2008
Modern Environmentalism illegal land grabbing
Modern Environmentalism illegal land grabbing
GOOD NEIGHBOR Blog Site analysis of globalism and the sovereignty of the United States.
Wealth of Information and Strategies for Private Property Owners (Click on Image)
* * * * * * *US Capitol switchboard800-828-0498 or 202-224-3121* * * * * * * analysis of globalism and the sovereignty of the United States.
Wealth of Information and Strategies for Private Property Owners (Click on Image)
* * * * * * *US Capitol switchboard800-828-0498 or 202-224-3121* * * * * * *
Protect Your Property
"An allodial title was bestowed, by law, upon the land with unalienability forever. No government, agency, bank or other sovereign power could place any lien, attachment or encumbrance on land held in an allodial state. An allodial title is derived from the original, federal land patent. "Land Patents" are still today the highest evidence of title and have never been refuted by any court of competent jurisdiction."
"An allodial title was bestowed, by law, upon the land with unalienability forever. No government, agency, bank or other sovereign power could place any lien, attachment or encumbrance on land held in an allodial state. An allodial title is derived from the original, federal land patent. "Land Patents" are still today the highest evidence of title and have never been refuted by any court of competent jurisdiction."
Monday, September 08, 2008
Interview with Michael Shaw
Michael Shaw, an attorney and accountant, is a founding member of Freedom Advocates ( and, formerly known as Freedom 21 Santa Cruz, Freedom Advocates works to help local, grass-roots groups defend their unalienable rights, including private property rights, from federal and local programs associated with U.N. Agenda 21, Sustainable Development, and Smart Growth. Shaw has been dealing with these issues since the mid-1990’s, when he was active with the Santa Cruz County Planning Board. Santa Cruz County was one of the first counties in America to be targeted to implement Agenda 21 policies. Shaw’s recent articles include: “Sustainable Trouble: The Attempt to Transform the Vision of America”
( and “Liberty or Sustainable Development?” (
Agenda 21 is the United Nations’ Agenda for the 21st century that was unveiled at the 1992 U.N. Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro- the so-called “Rio Earth Summit.” 179 nations have agreed to implement Agenda 21 policies, so the policies are now being implemented worldwide. In America, it is being implemented by all federal agencies and in every county. Shaw asserts that Agenda 21 is a global/local program intended to wrest sovereignty from individuals and existing political structures and invest power and control in the United Nations.
Joan Veon (In Prince Charles: The “Sustainable Prince”), paraphrases Agenda 21/Sustainable Development as follows: “The world has too many people, and if we do not reduce the number of people on planet earth they will use up all of the earth’s resources so that future generations will be left without any resources. The United Nations is the best global body to monitor, manage, and preserve the resources of the planet.”
In practice, Agenda 21/Sustainable Development goals are advanced by “Public-Private Partnerships” – an alliance between government, big business, and non-governmental organizations (NGO’s) that are allied with big business. The common name for political systems controlled by corporate government, of course, is “fascism.” A current example of a state/region now completely under corporate rule is Queensland, Australia, which is now under the authority of the Brigalow Corporation ( Shaw refers to this corporate take-over of entire states and regions as “a thousand points of darkness.”
The sponsors of Agenda 21 utilize programs such the Wildlands Project, World Heritage Sites, National Heritage Areas, roadless programs, and wolf re-introduction programs, to move towards their stated goal of making at least 50% of America off-limits to the American people. They advocate re-apportioning the country into “core reserves” (which are completely off limits to people), corridors, and buffer zones (where only public-private partnerships could operate). People would be herded into “Smart Growth” zones or “human settlements,” where they would be confined to high-rise buildings. Individual rights, including private property rights, would be stripped away. Agenda 21/Sustainable Development documents call for reduction of the human population from the present 6.6 billion down to about 1 billion people, that is, by 85%.
Who would benefit from such a system? Shaw says we need to understand that “funny money” is made out of thin air by a small ruling elite- and that this tiny ruling elite is the driving force behind Agenda 21. Today, both Republicans and Democrats are completely committed to implementing Agenda 21. Whereas Republicans have joined forces with political parties from numerous other nations in the International Democratic Union (IDU), Democrats have signed on with another international coalition, the Democratic Leadership Council, which is the brainchild of Britain’s Tony Blair. Both of these internationalist groups advocate the adoption of the U.N. Declaration of Human Rights.
What’s wrong with that? In contrast to the U.S. Constitution, which guarantees that individual rights and civil liberties, including private property rights, are unalienable rights given to us by God, the U.N. Declaration of Human Rights (Article 29, Section 3) states that our “rights” are subject to U.N. policies and dictates. In other words, our rights are what the U.N. tells us they are. In this kind of system, all people can become serfs and slaves of the tiny ruling elite.
Shaw notes that Agenda 21 is an attempt to implement “fascist Communism” or “communist Fascism”- or a political system where “the social policies are communist and the economic policies are fascist.” The program is entirely Fabian socialist (or communism in slow motion). In order to obtain their New World Order by stealth and slow, imperceptible changes, Fabian socialists have adopted motto is “Two steps forward and one step back.” But once this kind of feudal “collectivism” is implemented, human life will be completely altered, much as in George Orwell’s 1984..
How are Agenda 21 policies being implemented in America today? When local governments accept the carrot of federal grant monies and begin to utilize the standard “consensus process” (manipulated by trained “change agents”), communities begin creating their own “visionary plans.” However, somehow each community’s “consensus process” typically leads to the implementation of identical “Local Agenda 21,” “Smart Growth,” and “Sustainable Development” initiatives. And invariably, these initiatives strip citizens of their private property rights, etc. Invariably, the changes also lead to “regionalization” of governments and weakening of democratic structures or eradication of democracy altogether.
Our “globalist manipulators” get people to buy into these programs with the innocuous-sounding phrases like the “Three E’s:” equity, economy, and environment.” However, if we look carefully, we see the meanings of these words have been distorted in Orwellian fashion, such that each term means something completely different from what we thought it did.
Today, federal and state governments are completely on board U.N. Agenda 21 and each federal agency submits an annual progress report demonstrating their progress toward implementing Agenda 21 programs. The Dept. of Interior, for instance, now defines humans as “biological resources.”
According to Sun Tzu, the Chinese expert on warfare, we need to understand our enemy and ourselves. Shaw observes that the American education system, which has been transformed by Dewey and others into a system for “robotizing” America’s youth. Another area of concern is that local groups are typically heavily infiltrated. Thus, we can expect to be lead down paths that are dead ends. Think tanks are particularly affected. The primary m.o. of our globalist manipulators is to “divide and conquer.” Another goal of our globalist manipulators is to create (artificial) resource shortages; which they can use to justify and implement population reductions. By re-designating large areas as wildlands, for example, government can create water, oil, or food shortages. And of course, another common practice is to sell off public assets to private companies in a process known as “privatization.”
Agenda 21 policies directly attack rural America in order to gain control of resources in rural areas. Thus, those who own a ranches or a farms are under intense economic pressure. Shaw believes that if America’s rural landowners lose this battle, all Americans lose.
Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) should really be called “extra-governmental organizations” because they serve corporate interests rather than those of citizens. Shaw asserts that the Sierra Club, for example is an NGO that, like the other approximately 2000 NGO’s, has been accredited by the U.N. under the condition that they will help implement Agenda 21. He notes that the Sierra Club currently sits on many water boards throughout the West. Again, their goal is to control water resources in order to create artificial water shortages. Shaw notes that, whereas, Americans today use an average 140 gallons of water per day, the World Bank is calling for a reduction of global per capita water to only 10 gallons per day. So get used to not taking showers.
The good news? Our globalist manipulators are behind schedule in their drive to global tyranny. Their “consensus councils” are not working at the local level. Citizens are waking up and resisting intelligently. And there may be divisions within the ruling elite themselves. For example, the forces led by Prince Charles are not necessarily compatible with those lead by Gorbachev. And some of our politicians are waking up too. Representative Ron Paul, for example, has recently raised the issue of “honest money.”
Freedom 21 (Freedom Advocates) convened their 9th Annual Freedom21 National Conference in Dallas, Texas in July, 2008. The theme was connecting the dots between such policies as the Real ID Act, the Animal Registration Act, regional water policies, the Trans-Texas Corridor, and the North American Union.
We need to realize that the battle is in our counties, where Local Agenda 21 is being implemented. In order to fight more effectively at the local level, we need to understand the global dynamics of Agenda 21/Sustainable Development.
Co-host interviewer Dr. Eric Karlstrom recommended that those interested in learning more about Agenda 21 read his recent summary article: “Global Green Dictatorship: Regional Governance, U.N. Agenda 21, Sustainable Development, and the Wildlands Project” (
( and “Liberty or Sustainable Development?” (
Agenda 21 is the United Nations’ Agenda for the 21st century that was unveiled at the 1992 U.N. Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro- the so-called “Rio Earth Summit.” 179 nations have agreed to implement Agenda 21 policies, so the policies are now being implemented worldwide. In America, it is being implemented by all federal agencies and in every county. Shaw asserts that Agenda 21 is a global/local program intended to wrest sovereignty from individuals and existing political structures and invest power and control in the United Nations.
Joan Veon (In Prince Charles: The “Sustainable Prince”), paraphrases Agenda 21/Sustainable Development as follows: “The world has too many people, and if we do not reduce the number of people on planet earth they will use up all of the earth’s resources so that future generations will be left without any resources. The United Nations is the best global body to monitor, manage, and preserve the resources of the planet.”
In practice, Agenda 21/Sustainable Development goals are advanced by “Public-Private Partnerships” – an alliance between government, big business, and non-governmental organizations (NGO’s) that are allied with big business. The common name for political systems controlled by corporate government, of course, is “fascism.” A current example of a state/region now completely under corporate rule is Queensland, Australia, which is now under the authority of the Brigalow Corporation ( Shaw refers to this corporate take-over of entire states and regions as “a thousand points of darkness.”
The sponsors of Agenda 21 utilize programs such the Wildlands Project, World Heritage Sites, National Heritage Areas, roadless programs, and wolf re-introduction programs, to move towards their stated goal of making at least 50% of America off-limits to the American people. They advocate re-apportioning the country into “core reserves” (which are completely off limits to people), corridors, and buffer zones (where only public-private partnerships could operate). People would be herded into “Smart Growth” zones or “human settlements,” where they would be confined to high-rise buildings. Individual rights, including private property rights, would be stripped away. Agenda 21/Sustainable Development documents call for reduction of the human population from the present 6.6 billion down to about 1 billion people, that is, by 85%.
Who would benefit from such a system? Shaw says we need to understand that “funny money” is made out of thin air by a small ruling elite- and that this tiny ruling elite is the driving force behind Agenda 21. Today, both Republicans and Democrats are completely committed to implementing Agenda 21. Whereas Republicans have joined forces with political parties from numerous other nations in the International Democratic Union (IDU), Democrats have signed on with another international coalition, the Democratic Leadership Council, which is the brainchild of Britain’s Tony Blair. Both of these internationalist groups advocate the adoption of the U.N. Declaration of Human Rights.
What’s wrong with that? In contrast to the U.S. Constitution, which guarantees that individual rights and civil liberties, including private property rights, are unalienable rights given to us by God, the U.N. Declaration of Human Rights (Article 29, Section 3) states that our “rights” are subject to U.N. policies and dictates. In other words, our rights are what the U.N. tells us they are. In this kind of system, all people can become serfs and slaves of the tiny ruling elite.
Shaw notes that Agenda 21 is an attempt to implement “fascist Communism” or “communist Fascism”- or a political system where “the social policies are communist and the economic policies are fascist.” The program is entirely Fabian socialist (or communism in slow motion). In order to obtain their New World Order by stealth and slow, imperceptible changes, Fabian socialists have adopted motto is “Two steps forward and one step back.” But once this kind of feudal “collectivism” is implemented, human life will be completely altered, much as in George Orwell’s 1984..
How are Agenda 21 policies being implemented in America today? When local governments accept the carrot of federal grant monies and begin to utilize the standard “consensus process” (manipulated by trained “change agents”), communities begin creating their own “visionary plans.” However, somehow each community’s “consensus process” typically leads to the implementation of identical “Local Agenda 21,” “Smart Growth,” and “Sustainable Development” initiatives. And invariably, these initiatives strip citizens of their private property rights, etc. Invariably, the changes also lead to “regionalization” of governments and weakening of democratic structures or eradication of democracy altogether.
Our “globalist manipulators” get people to buy into these programs with the innocuous-sounding phrases like the “Three E’s:” equity, economy, and environment.” However, if we look carefully, we see the meanings of these words have been distorted in Orwellian fashion, such that each term means something completely different from what we thought it did.
Today, federal and state governments are completely on board U.N. Agenda 21 and each federal agency submits an annual progress report demonstrating their progress toward implementing Agenda 21 programs. The Dept. of Interior, for instance, now defines humans as “biological resources.”
According to Sun Tzu, the Chinese expert on warfare, we need to understand our enemy and ourselves. Shaw observes that the American education system, which has been transformed by Dewey and others into a system for “robotizing” America’s youth. Another area of concern is that local groups are typically heavily infiltrated. Thus, we can expect to be lead down paths that are dead ends. Think tanks are particularly affected. The primary m.o. of our globalist manipulators is to “divide and conquer.” Another goal of our globalist manipulators is to create (artificial) resource shortages; which they can use to justify and implement population reductions. By re-designating large areas as wildlands, for example, government can create water, oil, or food shortages. And of course, another common practice is to sell off public assets to private companies in a process known as “privatization.”
Agenda 21 policies directly attack rural America in order to gain control of resources in rural areas. Thus, those who own a ranches or a farms are under intense economic pressure. Shaw believes that if America’s rural landowners lose this battle, all Americans lose.
Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) should really be called “extra-governmental organizations” because they serve corporate interests rather than those of citizens. Shaw asserts that the Sierra Club, for example is an NGO that, like the other approximately 2000 NGO’s, has been accredited by the U.N. under the condition that they will help implement Agenda 21. He notes that the Sierra Club currently sits on many water boards throughout the West. Again, their goal is to control water resources in order to create artificial water shortages. Shaw notes that, whereas, Americans today use an average 140 gallons of water per day, the World Bank is calling for a reduction of global per capita water to only 10 gallons per day. So get used to not taking showers.
The good news? Our globalist manipulators are behind schedule in their drive to global tyranny. Their “consensus councils” are not working at the local level. Citizens are waking up and resisting intelligently. And there may be divisions within the ruling elite themselves. For example, the forces led by Prince Charles are not necessarily compatible with those lead by Gorbachev. And some of our politicians are waking up too. Representative Ron Paul, for example, has recently raised the issue of “honest money.”
Freedom 21 (Freedom Advocates) convened their 9th Annual Freedom21 National Conference in Dallas, Texas in July, 2008. The theme was connecting the dots between such policies as the Real ID Act, the Animal Registration Act, regional water policies, the Trans-Texas Corridor, and the North American Union.
We need to realize that the battle is in our counties, where Local Agenda 21 is being implemented. In order to fight more effectively at the local level, we need to understand the global dynamics of Agenda 21/Sustainable Development.
Co-host interviewer Dr. Eric Karlstrom recommended that those interested in learning more about Agenda 21 read his recent summary article: “Global Green Dictatorship: Regional Governance, U.N. Agenda 21, Sustainable Development, and the Wildlands Project” (
Thursday, September 04, 2008
This is a small showing of what we have endured over the past four years. Wahkiakum County refuses to up hold the laws of the United States, Washington State, and their own county ordinances protecting the residents of Wahkiakum County does not seem to be what they do. Without protection from the county, nor the state we will continue to be taken over and destroyed by Columbia Land Trust and their affiliates our lands will become breeding grounds for the West Nile Virus. After suffering through eleven intentional floods in four-years funds are depleted. We do not have funds to protect ourselves from Columbia Land Trust and their affiliates and we should not have to. Laws have been violated, this will repeat again. Without raising my home, I do not know if it will endure another on slot of flood waters directed at us by Columbia land trust. This is what they do to "unwilling" sellers.
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