Friday, August 29, 2008

America land of the Free

America’s founders believed:
“The moment the idea is admitted into society that property is not as sacred as the law of God…anarchy and tyranny commence.” (John Adams, a Defense of the Constitution of the Government of the United States, 1797.)
The United Nations believes:
“Private land ownership is a principal instrument of accumulating wealth and therefore contributes to social injustice. Public control of land use is therefore indispensable.” (U.N. Conference on Human Settlements) (HABTAT I), 1976.)
See Agenda 21
Wahkiakum County, Washington sits on the Columbia River it is well endowed with natural beauty as well as natural resources. It appears Wahkiakum County has rejected John Adams’ belief and instead, adopted the United Nations belief as reflected in their refusal to uphold the constitution of the United States as well as the Washington State Constitution and to ignore their own county ordinances in favor of Non Governmental Organizations stripping citizens of their constitutional rights.
Section 3 - Personal Rights
No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law
Residents continue to be deprived of their rights. Wahkiakum County has given Columbia Land Trust, lower Columbia Fish Recovery Board, Lower Columbia Fish Enhancement Group, CREST, and Salmon Recovery Board to name a few the justification to continue to destroy private property by failing to protect the residents personal rights under the Washington State Constitution.

“Salmon Recovery” is the name given to the result of The Endangered Species Act; it is everything but “Salmon Recovery”. It is a plan to keep Salmon on the endangered list by setting weirs within our rivers to trap spawning Salmon, to execute the Salmon before they can make it up river to lay their eggs. It is a plan to remove tide gates that kept Salmon safe from being swooshed onto fields where they die. It is a plan that ignores the sanctity of private property by taking control of land use away from property owners by redirecting rivers and streams onto private properties destroying the eco-system, agriculture, livestock, family pets, homes and personal property by flooding. It is a plan to build dams and levies in the middle of flood plains to direct flood waters onto private property to destroy it. It is a plan to build swamps which become breeding grounds for the West Nile Virus, malaria, and other deadly diseases. And it is a plan to remove people from rural areas to take away rights of private property placing it in the hands of government i.e. Non Governmental Organizations the new term for government – as prescribed by the United Nations. John Adams was right; the result of government control of land use is nothing short of tyranny.
Item: A woman bought a home with forty acres of land to enjoy the beauty. In the beginning there was peace, serenity and joy. Elk and deer grazed and roamed the fields. Hundreds of ducks and geese rested, grazed and hatched their babies, they were plentiful and a joy to watch. Salmon swam in seal slough; the riparian population was a sight to behold. All was in harmony.

That woman is me. I am an inhabitant of this beautiful area, a care taker of the land, loving the land and its inhabitants. I am at peace and safe, a feeling I have never known before. I am happy, joyous, and surrounded by natural beauty I am truly blessed.

In the late summer of 2004 Columbia Land Trust purchases the elderly neighbor’s property under the guise of preservation. CLT is a Non Governmental Organization that receives the bulk of their funding through grants from what is known as the SRB funding i.e. Salmon Recovery Board, Fish and Wildlife allocates monies to this agency to disperse to NGO’s that say they are “recovering salmon habitat”. NGO’s also receive donations from people like you and me. People who love nature and want to help the earth regain its health and to see salmon flourish are easily persuaded to believe the warm and fuzzy talk of these NGO’s.

Reality comes with a price, a very high price. CLT descends upon this beautiful peaceful valley. Things begin to change. Monsters (heavy equipment) roam the fields day, night, and into the very pale light of pre dawn destroying everything in their path. Trees run down, splintered in the night. Trees bulldozed into rivers, eagles nesting places destroyed. Tall grasses and marsh ran down, ducks and geese left with no place to call home. Fields that were feeding ground for deer and elk no longer lush, the beautiful animals run out. Sediment from moving earth runs into the rivers and water ways making them shallow impassible, warm, and unhealthy for salmon. The land lies waste, it seems sad, what once was a beautiful walking area is now filled with despair, Trees lay shattered on the ground it looks as if it was a war zone, I believe it was. Machine, money, greed and man left the mark of a job “well done”. It is unbelievable, sickening and wakes one up to the realities, one I hope none of you will ever have to experience.

Item: A man owned acreage along the Seal River, it is a beautiful sanctuary. The owner wanted to build a dock on the river it took the five years to obtain the permits the dock was built and it was a wonderful place that friends enjoyed. The “project” down river on what was the Kandoll Farm has caused damage to his dock, eroded his property and caused the river to run so swift that it could be dangerous. His land his being taken away by the erosion caused by the “project”. The county refuses to comply with his constitutional rights even though Columbia Land Trust admitted to causing the problem the county continues to allow them to destroy private property.
Item: A couple has a 25 acre field where they produce timothy hay for their livestock. As the man lie in the hospital recovering form a heart transplant this NGO alters the land and the waterways, the alterations destroy their field leaving them no alternative except to buy hay. With all the added stress it is hard to recover. They are told by Wahkiakum County it is a civil matter.
Item: A Farmer is getting ready to harvest his fields. When he finds locks have been cut and an army of excavators have plowed through his field destroying his crops. The excavators are in the river digging holes for Salmon and routing up whole trees to place in the sides of the banks to make woody debris for fish habitat. The man can do nothing; Wahkiakum county Sheriff says it’s a civil matter. The man can do nothing he must sale his cattle, reduce his business, and try and survive.
Item: Four private land owners are awakened to the rumble of heavy equipment plowing through their property. The operator was stealing their trees and piling them on another property, to be sold to Lower Columbia Fish Enhancement Group, a thirty foot wide trench was dug through all these properties, And the Sheriff says, it’s a civil issue.
These are but a few of more than sixteen examples of government tyranny that ignores private property rights itemized in letters to the officials of Wahkiakum County, Washington.
Wahkiakum County, Washington boarders the Columbia River, gate way to the Pacific Ocean , the county is sparsely populated people live in the county that is essentially rural farmland, timber, and fishing. Local residents see the harm that has occurred to this area over the last twenty years as more and more Non Governmental Organizations come, they come out of greed, this county has become the cash cow. Many residents fear them. For the past twenty years NGO’s have come to do as they will and harming all who oppose them. Private property rights seem to be a thing of the past.
For the last four years, local property owners have tried to encourage county officials to up hold the laws and to be more diligent in protecting the residents from NGO’s.

In an effort to stop what many see as tyranny of government, property owner Raven Webb filed a Writ of Mandamus to compel the Wahkiakum County Sheriff to up hold the laws of the United States Constitution, Washington State Constitution and the ordinances of Wahkiakum County. It was set for hearing on 08-25-08 at which time the Wahkiakum County, Prosecutor was not prepared it has been reset for 09-22-08. After reviewing dozens of individual cases, and the procedures used by the county, the writ seemed appropriate. The writ lays out a compelling case of multiple violations of both the State and U.S. Constitutions. Legitimate use of private property has been denied/stolen arbitrarily and capriciously, without due process and without just compensation, according to the adverse events that have/are occurred/occurring, with out due process and without any regard for the residents of Wahkiakum County.

Nearly every community in America has been/is being invaded by this same type of so-called Environmental Actions,” Smart Growth” policies, and Sustainable development issues. Proponents of Environmental Actions,” Smart Growth” policies, and Sustainable development issues will lie, steal, and cover up their actions, they would have you believe they are using the “best available science”. These notions have taken over the planning profession and have won seats on local governing bodies. These people claim to “respect” the notion of private property rights, and often include such language in the planning documents, but the actual policies put the lie to these claims. One can no longer be silent we must be diligent, educate ourselves and others to the grave life these people want to inflict upon us. It is a life without freedoms, a life without accessible nature, a life devoid of personal and property rights

What is the source of wisdom that declares that “Salmon Recovery” is more important then peoples lives? The absurdness of this is the Salmon are actually being destroyed so that NGO’s can keep them on the endangered list to obtain more governmental grants for “Salmon Recovery”. What is the source of wisdom that presumes to dictate where, and under what conditions, free people will live? Why is this source of wisdom accepted as better, or more authoritative than the wisdom of free people exercising their right to use their own property as they see fit, in their own “pursuit of happiness?” Why is it okay for NGO’s to destroy private property?

The source of this wisdom is sustainable development, a philosophy of social organization built upon the principle that government must manage the activities of people and the use of resources to insure environmental protection, and social and economic equity, for the current and future generations.
There is no room for America’s founders in this philosophy. There is no room for private property or individual freedom in this philosophy. Wherever this cancerous philosophy spreads, tyranny follows.

If good people to do nothing (the easy way) evil will prevail. These NGO’s are evil; they are without ethics, nor morals. They are all for the green the green filling their pockets that is. Help good people win the war, do not let tyranny prevail pass this on educate yourselves and others. Do it now, tomorrow will be to late.


Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Here is another take on ESA more people are wising up to the fact that it is not about protection of salmon, it is about keeping salmon on the endangered list and receiving huge grant monies, it is about the pocket book of NGO's (Non Governmental Organizations) and property rights what we do with the information is up to us. There are weirs in almost every river trapping salmon, a petition against the weir needs to be circulated and more people must be educated on what a weir is, weirs are for killing salmon. If the people are ignored a blockade will be in order to stop the weir from being put in. Some media exposure on this would allow more people to become informed that this is not saving the salmon but killing them. I think we may even be able to reach a few city dummies or is it slickers? Who think donating to NGO's is vital to saving the planet when in fact over the past ten years Wahkiakum county (a small county) has been under siege from NGO's like Columbia Land Trust, Ducks Unlimited, Lower Columbia Fish Recovery Board, Crest, Salmon Recovery Board,and Lower Columbia Fish Enhancement who in their greed has caused much damage to the salmon habitat, Eco-system, private property, agriculture, livestock, and humans. These NGO's are as unethical as they come.


Who or what, is driving the environmentalists?

When The Environmentalists Plan…Your Money and Your Freedom Are In Grave Peril
By Ron Ewart Tuesday, August 12, 2008

All across America, Canada and elsewhere, environmentalists are planning. They are planning to save every eco-system, glacier, wetland, mountain, all the oceans, lakes, rivers, streams, dry washes, gullies, prairies deserts and the so-called endangered species that inhabit these places and they are planning to drive you out of the rural areas and plant your sorry little butts in 25-story apartment buildings in large cities where you will be forced to walk, take your bike, or mass transit to work. They don’t care how much their planning costs. And they are planning to get you out of your cars by making sure that the price of gas stays high, not paying for any new roads to handle the increased traffic that comes from having babies and the effects of natural migration, not allowing drilling for new crude oil sources, not allowing power plants and refineries to be built and draining your wallets with very inefficient, but very expensive mass transit, to pander to the myopic city folk that keep them in power.

With their incessant planning and their Made-as-Instructed (MAI), Best-Available-Science (BAS) they have lobbied government for years and have convinced them to buy into their specific “green” agenda to drive man into the dark ages, or drive them insane like rats in a cage in large cities, in the endless pursuit of saving “their” planet.

Name any eco-system, rural area, wetland, glacier, prairie, ocean, sound, river, lake, stream, dry wash, gully, desert or estuary and you will find a group of environmentalists, along with scientists that are environmentally brainwashed and indoctrinated in our liberal colleges, planning its management. They do not think in terms of freedom, liberty, individual and property rights, free markets, free choice, capitalism, or constitutional safeguards like the Fifth Amendment, they only think of the survival and management of the natural system they are planning at the time. As part of their planning, they are planning every aspect of your lives as well, in order to integrate your life with the highest of all priorities, saving the planet from the scourges of mankind. They only see in one color, “green”. But think of their “green” as the color of most slimy slugs. Think of their “green” as the color of stomach bile. Because that will be what is crawling all over and eating away at your freedom, liberty and property rights when their plans are implemented by a sympathetic government.

Now when these all-wise environmental go-gooders get together with their scientist partners in crime, there is no part of your life that is safe. Your money, your land and your freedom are in extreme peril when they sit down at their “green” table and start planning. And they have three very willing accomplices; academia, the print and electronic news media and the biggest and most corrupt of all partners, the government. These environmental planners have infiltrated every level of government, our K-12 public schools and our liberal colleges. On the outside of government, they plan and then turn their plans over to the government, which then willingly rubber stamps them. They sue in liberal courts to get favorable “green” decisions that then have the force of law. Judges, attorneys, juries and environmental experts have all been bought, sold and initiated into the “green” club that color every judicial decree. Violate the rules of the “green’ club and you will be crucified on the bench of these politically correct judges and the attorneys and juries that have absorbed all the “green" dictates like a porous sponge.

You say you don’t believe us! Then we encourage you to take a gander at a couple of these radical environmental planner websites, at the following links. You won’t believe it.

The Puget Sound Partnership:
The Puget Sound Regional Council:

This represents just two agencies in just one geographic area. These planning groups are everywhere, funded with your dollars. The above two don’t include the thousands of other government and non-governmental environmental groups and agencies that are planning everything down to the last detail of where you live, work, play and your mode of transportation. These groups and the government that aides and abets them, are your arch enemy and traitors to liberty.

Environmentalists and radical environmentalism have brought America to its knees. They have stripped us of our national pride, our strength, our ingenuity, our creativity and our generosity. They have sucked away the life blood of our economy by getting government to put any source of energy that produces CO2, or that might harm the environment, off limits. They have turned us into a third-world country in just a few short years, where we have no choice but to bow to our enemies, dictators and despots to obtain the energy that keeps the wheels of our economic engine turning.

Meanwhile, almost every other country on Earth is buying up, or confiscating by force, crude oil, minerals and other raw materials. We are already being held hostage for crude oil. As a result we now pay more for everything, including our gasoline and food. Much more. As the world resources are locked up by other countries, we will pay more for our minerals and raw materials as well. And the direct culprit is the cult of environmentalism and the enforcer of that cult is government, with a gun to your head if you don’t comply.

Environmentalists and their co-conspirators have forced the rural landowners of America to bear almost the entire burden of environmental protection, while the city folk get off virtually scot-free. The city folk elect the legislators and lawmakers that continue the destruction of a free America with socialism and environmental extremism because they have been sold “green” as Motherhood, Apple Pie and Chevrolet.

While we sit on our hands, the environmentalists and their willing partners plan. While we try to fight one of their environmental insanities, they are planning another insanity for us to fight just around the corner. They have divided us so that we are working against each other. They use MAI-BAS propaganda, lies and distortions to snow us. They use the law to enslave us. They use international pressure from Europe and the United Nations to break us down and corrupt our laws. They use our emotion against us. They pit naive, brainwashed city dwellers against independent thinking rural landowners. Since there are more city dwellers, the rural landowners take it in the shorts every time.

Never have so many been so duped by a dirty little evil that transcends anything that mother nature can throw at us. Never have so many been conned by an ideology that is camouflaged in gentle sounding names and wrapped in religious phrases that "touch" our hearts, but leave our minds numb and unthinking and our wallets empty.

All of this would be reasonably understandable for a backward culture steeped in tribalism. If this grand scheme to enslave an entire country occurred 2,000 years ago, when the average individual’s point of reference included a hut and just enough food on the table to maintain survival, albeit a poor one, it might be excused. But for an educated civilization that exists in America today, or any advanced and educated country, it is totally mystifying and without precedent. We have to ask: are people really this dumb?

As the “green” chains lock forever around your wrists, ankles and necks and you find yourself back in the land of serfdom, you may well ask, how did this happen? If you do not know how it happened, you are the problem. If you value freedom and liberty so little and security so much, you were the ones that closed the lock on the chains and threw the key away. You did it to yourselves and you only have you to blame.

So when you hear of environmentalists planning and scientists being invited to the sessions and conferences, you had better hide your wallet and put a moat around your land. Both are in grave peril. If the environmentalists get their way and they are, both will cease to exist.

One very big question comes to mind, however. Who or what, is driving the environmentalists?

And speaking of conferences, don’t forget the FREE and exciting Freedom 21 Southeast Arizona Conference on Civil Liberties, Rights and Freedoms, Saturday, August 23, 2008. For information and reservations to this FREE conference, log onto


I know it goes on and on so much to know. It seems the more I know the more I do not know.

A weir is a trap that is placed across the river in an area where there is an abundant return of salmon that are trying to get to the spawning area. The fish are trapped in the weir, the roe IE eggs is harvested sometimes and sold to the Asian population and a fortune can be made in egg sales. The rest of the fish are killed and deposed of. So in essence they are trapping the salmon on the way to spawning and destroying any chance of salmon recovery. I am going to try and get my grandson to do a piece on the life of the salmon what these fish go through the predators they avoid to get to spawning grounds only to be trapped by fish and wild life and killed.

A clipped fish is a hatchery fish they are drudged when they are (baby fish) the fin is clipped to mark them as hatchery fish. However, once a fish spawns and the eggs hatch in gravel which is the normal spawning ground these hatched fish are now wild fish. By killing all of the hatchery fish and some of the wild ones it keeps the fish from spawning thus keeps the salmon on the endangered list. It is not about salmon recovery it is about grants for salmon recovery people are unaware that these fish are being killed by the millions by fish and wildlife and NGO's it is insanity as Poul said. I am sure if you have salmon or any endangered fish in your area you also have weirs. There is one on every river the one on the Naselle keeps getting removed by "someone" the one they are setting on the Grays will have a 24 hour patrol officer to assure the trapping and killing of spawning salmon is accomplished. That is your tax dollars at work keeping salmon on the endangered list is one of the ways NGO's receive huge grants it is also how property rights are being taken.

We care about what happens to fish, the eco-system, the rivers, and the land. This is why we want these environmental do-good exposed as to who and what they are and are really doing and it is far from good. The truth is they are not caring for the earth but destroying it.



To Everyone concerned

Next month the Fish and game is planning to install a weir in the Grays River, by the covered bridge, to capture and kill salmon. Right now they are capturing leaving smolt and killing them to study what they eat???
This insanity must be stopped!
I encourage all to do their part in stopping this action by those who would be God. There has been fish kills before with disastrous results. We cannot and will not allow this. We have the right and duty to protect our river and its fish.
If it is because of wild and raised fish, I ask: If one "clipped" fish has passed by and spawned naturally is it then spawning "unclipped" fish, thus becoming wild smolt? How many clipped fish have spawned naturally?
It is time we take controll of our "back yard" from the 'Bullies." ($)

Sincerely; Poul K Toftemark
River and Fish Protector